Thursday, June 12, 2014


“This show has everything: Live Claymation, ice-skating on horseback, syncopated sneering, Delaware, pieces of sky, the color orange, Edie Sedgwick, and laughs galore.”
- Paul Rudd to Jimmy Kimmel, possibly in reference to something else.

“My inspiration for doing the show? I’d have to say my inspiration is deep-seated, unparalleled confusion. That and sex. Which I don’t see how is my fault.”
- Robert Kittredge, creator of Boy Meets Girl and Other Dilemmas

“Finally, a place to see sketch comedy in DC. This town is like a desert sketch-comedy wise. I mean I seriously doubt you can find any sketch comedy done in this town. I’d really be surprised. I mean at the very least you don’t see it on every street corner. You really don’t.”
- Burt Zapp, radio host.

“I guess you could say I was born to direct. I can remember as a little girl directing our family dog, Kurosawa, to play dead with verisimilitude. My motivation was to make my baby sister cry. It was a terrific success and a great personal triumph. By the time I was in high school I was directing musical comedies on the bus.”
- Lisa Hilling, director of Boy Meets Girl and Other Dilemmas

“Each and every human creature that every existed on this planet has an intrinsic hunger for sketch comedy. It’s part of our DNA. It doesn’t even matter if it’s funny.”
- Peter Wince, middle school student

“I was just sitting around one day, and I said “folk rock”. A few minutes later I said “sketch comedy”. It soon became apparent I had no problem coming up with two-word phrases.”
- Robert Kittredge, the show’s mastermind

“Do you happen to have the time?”
- Oscar Wilde in conversation